We are proud to be learning from community voices

We are grateful to those sharing their unique stories with us

Hear community voices share their journeys with skeletal dysplasia

teenager living well with achondroplasia


Yukiko was diagnosed with achondroplasia at birth. With the help of her determined mother, she finds joy in playing and triumphs over daily challenges.

teenager living well with achondroplasia


From overcoming challenges with surgery to thriving in the world of CrossFit, Sean’s journey with achondroplasia embodies strength and resilience. He enjoys an active life in the company of his friends, family, and the sports community.

teenager living well with achondroplasia


Anais was diagnosed with achondroplasia in utero. With the support of her parents and other families with achondroplasia, she enjoys an active life and sees a bright future ahead.

young child living with achondroplasia with his parents


At 9 months of age, Miguel experienced a serious complication that put him at risk of becoming paraplegic or dying. With surgery and the support of healthcare professionals and family, Miguel was able to enjoy a successful transition to toddlerhood.

Have a story to share?

We are committed to supporting people with achondroplasia and their families

There are many advocacy groups that foster connections in the achondroplasia community and provide resources and support. Some of these groups are listed below. Your healthcare provider can help you identify a group that best suits your needs.

US Organizations

Global Organizations

Looking for more information or advocacy resources?

Learn more about the science of achondroplasia